WPBSA Level 3 Advanced Sightright SNOOKER COACH
Hello and welcome to my website.
As a WPBSA Advanced Level 3, Grade A, Sightright, 1st 4 Sport Snooker Coach i cover a wide range of Counties nationwide such as Surrey, Essex and sometimes London and the Cambridgeshire area. If you live within these areas then please feel free to contact me to arrange a convenient time and date to meet up.
As part of being a WPBSA Snooker Coach I am also required by the World Snooker’s Child Protection Policy, to undertake the necessary annual CRB checks that allow me to continue coaching my many successful junior pupils.
Being both a Snooker coach AND a Snooker player, I use all my experiences and elements of the game, to help you achieve whatever level you wish.
There are many styles ( watch the professionals ) such as players dropping their elbow on strike to keeping the elbow high, flicking the wrist or a locked wrist action, differing backswing lengths and grip positions on the cue, bridge hand closer or further back from the cue ball….. as well as many stances which can be adjusted to suit the players sighting and body structure. All these mentioned can be individually catered for, thus enabling you to deliver your cue through the white ball in a straight and level line while obtaining the correct amount of follow through length.
If you simply want to play better as a casual player, or to be helped with the more advanced technical and mental sides of the game to become a serious match player, then i am here to help, regardless of age, physique or learning issues as everyone has their own style, so try to work around that.
Throughout my playing career i have experienced the highs and lows of winning tournaments, playing badly, through to the preparation, mindset and aftermath of matches and have helped lots of new and more experienced snooker players both young and old to improve and achieve their goals.
Please view my Testimonials to hear of their coaching experiences.
As a professional snooker coach I am always delighted to help anyone with their game. It doesn't matter if you are new to the sport, or a veteran - if you need to improve your game and are interested in some coaching then please feel free to contact me ( details below ) to check if I cover your area.
Look forward to hearing from you